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Showing posts from September, 2010


ramainya la orang around me yang dah naik ke new phase. ada yang dah kawin, bertunang dan plan bertunang. apa2 pun tahniah kat Suraya & Zafran Kak Ita & Farizwan for their wedding Kak Niss & Hadi Nicky & Saiful Juares & his fiancee Syafiq & his fiancee on their engagement and two of my closest friends who plan to get engaged with their other half-to-be in the nearest future. happynya tgk orang dah ready nak masuk new phase. =D *Aku..? Insyaallah kalau jodoh panjang, ada la tu. =)

semua orang pun nak wish raya

*gambar sekadar untuk mendapatkan feel raya.sekian. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin Tulus Ikhlas dari saya, NN. Fatima Azzahra bt M.Rosli. Tahun ni beraya di kampung (Kelantan) sehari sahaja. Selebihnya di Terengganu. Jadi rakan-rakan, jemputlah ke rumah ye. =)

they are bunch of freak people

i'm sick of meleise and their ignorance. like seriously sick. they just see what they wanna see. say what they want to say. the sh*t illuminati and free-mason thingy. they are so busy talking and doing foolish analysis. What is wrong with you all huh? hold on Al-Quran and believe in Allah, then you are fine. F! with all the illuminati and free-mason stuffs. Go and manipulate every single thing and called it the sh*t.. and let other paranoid numb people post it around. urgh! yes, i'm trippin like hell. UPDATE : Bukan aku tak percaya wujudnya Freemason atau illuminati ni, tapi jangan la sampai sekecil-kecil benda pun nak kaitkan pastu kecoh seluruh alam. Kalau andaian kau tu salah, tak namanya fitnah ke? Kalau sekadar tahu skit-sikit, tak payah la. kaji dan baca semua pasal Freemasonry and its stuff dulu bai. sekadar tengok cerita The Arrival pastu google ala kadar, xcukup tu. eh..? dari baca pasal buku tu, baik baca tafsir al-Quran tul tak? JOM! *Tak guna cakap bom bang.. ...