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Showing posts from 2015

4 Years as an Engineer.

4 years. Years ago, I started working in the manufacturing industry. But then, they decided to consolidate our plant to Bangkok. So I took the VSS (Volutary Separation Scheme), received the compensation money, bought my car, got married and saved the rest. Not regret at all. Hahaha.. Yang ni tak nak cerita panjang coz banyak dah kot cerita in the previous posts. Few months before my separation date, I was interviewed by few oil and gas companies, including Technip and Alstom. But then, I got the offer from SK. Siapa tak nak kan? Esp me yang memang naaaaakkkk sangat kerja O&G plus SK is a big company.  One week after I left the manufacturing company, I reported to the SK Kemaman Base as Maintenance Engineer. It was weird at first. When I was in manufacturing company, I was dealing with precision tools. My adjustable wrench was smaller than my palm, but when i was in the yard, I even found biggggg adjustable wrench that I can't even lift with my both hands.  ...

Of Instagram and Blog

It is necessary to blog? Rasa macam dah tidak relevan untuk aku. Tapi aku suka blog sebab macam diary. In few years time, i can look back and know how much i had changed. Now, aku suka update my life dalam IG,  My IG is my journal, like..when did i start my job, what did i bought for my self-reward, where did i go/eat, my memories with my families and friends and other special occasions. I cannot blog that everyday and scroll down as easy as IG does. My IG is for future-me. Tp at the same time aku suka tulis caption panjang2. Nak blogging tapi kat blog payah nak upload gambar. T.T (dan takde emotikon) Sebab tu, sekarang aku start tak approve people I don't really know kat IG.  Kalau rasa down, i did scroll my old pics to remember the old memories. A good one.  Well, different people have different reason. And mine, it is my picturesque journal. I wouldn't judge yours. If it is not interesting, i'll just unfollow, but doesn't mean that i don't like...

Blog Balik

Rasa nak berblog balik. Bila baca balik semua blog-blog yang aku follow, rasa macam naik time machine. Balik semula ke zaman 2007-2010. Even khatamkan balik entri-entri lama aku, from 2007, zaman blog aku nama 'Monolog Mentah'. Told abah pasal a few bloggers yang buat duit melalui nuffnang, riban2 cek sebulan. Abah cakap: "Jadi blogger tegar dan ramai pengikut kena kental. Post tak boleh ikut emosi. Kena selalu maintain content, kalau informative lagi bagus, baru orang nak baca" Aku. Angguk. Tapi dalam hati... Abah baca blog ke? Macam tahu banyak je pasal blogging. Lama aku private blog ni. Sahabat baik tiba-tiba tanya kenapa private. IDK.

Err.. Hye

Oh..aku ada blog rupanya. Setahun lebih hiatus. 2014 takde post langsung. Janji nak update pasal wedding, sampai Anniversary ke dua pun tak ter-update. Tak payah update terus jelah.  Sekarang hadap instagram & twitter. IG is more about my picturesque journal. So intimate for me. I just love to look back at my old pics and reminiscing the past moments. Different people, different plak cara dia guna IG ye dok? The last post rasanya cite pasal my PJJ.  Merapu banyak sebab jiwa kacau kena jauh dengan suami. Lepas dapat balik KL, jiwa kacau lagi. Dugaan yang ni, aku rasa lagi hebat dari dugaan berjauhan. Hampir jatuh, hampir ranap dan hampir karam. To the extend, aku rasa, aku lagi sanggup diduga dengan PJJ dari dugaan yang satu ni. But after a lot of doa, solat hajat, aku cakap kat diri sendiri..pelan-pelan kayuh. Nak laju-laju pi mana ntah. Yang mana tersilap langkah, undur balik, walau sebenarnya...hmm.. walau sebenarnya cukup jauh sudah sesat. Alhamdulillah...