Ever wonder how the fabric softener or detergent commercials manage to stack the clothes neatly? Here i want to share the tips on how to fold the t-shirt nicely. It is very easy.
Just 6 simple steps
1. All u need are the clothes and a A4 size paper. In this case, i used my A4-sized note.
2. Put the tshirt upside down on the A4 sized paper.
3. Fold the right and left side of the t-shirt as usual, but the trick is, use the width of the A4 sized paper as the guide.
4. Fold the sleeves as usual. If the sleeves are longer than the shirt, fold them inside. (see picture)
5. Lastly, fold into two.
6. Tadaaaa!
The end result :
Good luck. =)
click to enlarge
Just 6 simple steps
1. All u need are the clothes and a A4 size paper. In this case, i used my A4-sized note.
2. Put the tshirt upside down on the A4 sized paper.
3. Fold the right and left side of the t-shirt as usual, but the trick is, use the width of the A4 sized paper as the guide.
4. Fold the sleeves as usual. If the sleeves are longer than the shirt, fold them inside. (see picture)
5. Lastly, fold into two.
6. Tadaaaa!
The end result :
terus jadi rajin lipat kain pasni.
Good luck. =)
hahaha ;p